Friday, April 30, 2010

Have Shooting Video Games Gotten too violent?

New shooting video games like Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Call of Duty, Halo etc. have become popular for middle schoolers because they’re fun. At least that’s what most middle schoolers say. But, there is debate out there weather shooting video games like the ones I said before are too violent for middle schoolers. And according to one eigth grade green hall student Emily L. stated, “ No, they are not to violent because they’re not going to go out and start killing people just because they do it on a video game.” And, another anonomys eigth grade boy said, “ No, because in Left 4 Dead you’re not killing people, you’re killing zombies. And in these games we get our destructive talents out on the game instead of people.” Most eigth graders agreed with these statements too. A seventh grade girl who wanted to remain annonomys said, “ No, because we are older now, we can handle it.” A seventh grade boy also agreed and said, “ They don’t show much, so it’s fine.” Middle Schoolers also like them because they’re fun to play, a young sixth grade boy, who wanted to remain annonomys said, “ They’re not to violent because they’re fun to play.” A lot of others seemed to feel this way too.

There is also another side to this story, people think that these games are too violent for middle schoolers. An eigth grade green hall student Aaron stated, “ They are to violent for middle schoolers because they’re rated M.” And another seventh grade girl Paige said, “ It depends on the person, if they know it’s not real it’s fine. But, if they think it’s real and they start shooting people, it’s pretty stupid.” Some adults had a say in this too. The librarian Miss Klena said, “ Yes, nothing should encourage shooting people.” And the Stoller Media Lit teacher, Mrs. Rarick stated, “ If they are rated M, yes they’re probably too graphic.” And Mr. Storm also said, “ Yes, because they’re rated M.” And, I'm sure others think this way too.

According to most adults, these shooting video games have gotten too violent for middle schoolers. But, according to the middle schoolers, it's not too violent for them. Both sides have good reasons, and there is no right answer. These video games are rated M for mature.

by: Larissa E.

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