Friday, April 30, 2010

Lookin' Like a Fool

Stoller Student in sag mode Photo by Christine S and Makenah R.

General Larry Platt’s song, Pants on the Ground, says it all. At Stoller Middle school many students are starting to sag their pants. Although the school dress code states: Pants should fit securely at the waist, completely cover your undergarments, and not drag on the floor (On page 24 of the Stoller student handbook), students still find their way around it.
“Sagging started when people in jail couldn’t use belts”, said Mr. Storm, Orange hall eighth grade math and science teacher. What is you’re opinion on sagging pants? “It is a gang look and skater look. I have no problem with it “This is the age where students find themselves.” –Mr. Storm.With another teacher’s opinion from a different hall, Mrs. Birge, seventh grade science teacher quotes, “Hate it. It looks sloppy. I don’t know what the purpose for doing it is.” With one teacher who dislikes the trend, and another who is okay with it, we decided to interview another teacher. Mrs. GP quotes “If people sag it’s probably because they cannot afford pants that fit, or belts. What if there’s an earthquake? How are you suppost to get out fast if your pants are down to your ankles?” By asking these questions were are clarifying the teacher’s opinions toward sagging pants.
 Seeing from the students point of view, we ask the obvious. Why do you sag? “Because I don’t like my pants high”, said Anthony N., Red hall eighth grade. Another anonymous student responded with “It allows me to breathe”. What have the administraters said about your pants? “Pull up your pants!” – Anthony Ngyuen. “That it is inappropriate –disturbing” –anonymous. Have you had any bad experiences while sagging? “Tripping, falling, getting 'pantsed'” –Anthony & anonymous. Why do you wear shoelaces where your belt goes? “to keep your pants up”, quoted Anthony N. We also asked questions to students who do not sag their pants. What is your opinion on sagging pants? “If it hangs so low and you can see their boxers, it’s obnoxious” quoted Debi D. The Stoller Middle school Fashion department believes that sagging shouldn’t really affect people because its not hurting anyone in any way. Though people may have their own opinions on this, we shouldn’t object towards them. 

By Melanie R., Christine S. and Makenah R.

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