Friday, May 21, 2010

Automobiles Running out of Energy?

The world is running out of gasoline while scientists are trying to adapt
 By Aaron Herrera
                In 1892 was the first time people used gasoline to work something. This was also the year that gasoline was first found. When people found it they found it in a cave, the people were digging for gold and silver when all of a sudden the place was filled up with gasoline in a minute. The people were safe, and they tried to conserve this mysterious liquid for science. They found out later that it was flammable and could make energy when burned. They first tried it on a little machine that would swing a pickaxe without hands. Then scientist took the gasoline to a new level in science.
            The scientists created the automobile. People were all happy because they could drive places and they would not have to walk. Before they knew it, everyone had a car. The car business grew and grew until it was global. In 1964 gasoline cost 17 cents a gallon. And now is when things started to change. The scientist and businesses were all getting rich from pumping up gasoline and oil when they started to wonder how much of this liquid was left in the earth that was left to be sold. An anonymous mother said that gasoline probably should have had run out a long time ago and so should have oil, she was surprised that the gasoline would last this long. She said that the gasoline supply would have to end sometime.
            And now people have noticed that car companies have tried to sell there cars better by saying that there cars are more gasoline efficient, such as 10 miles to the gallon to 20 miles to the gallon. And now car companies have gotten smart and got to the point where there is 40 miles to the gallon to 50 miles to the gallon. Another anonymous teacher here at school said that cars have gotten so “techy” that the cars can even play movies now and have the ability to drive on ice without slipping as much as a original car.
            Some automobile companies have thought of making a different kind of car that runs on a certain fuel made of part corn. Corn is used for a lot of objects from food, to plastic, to metal cans, paper, and much much more. The new cars wont be able to go as far per the gallon, but people are afraid that we should start making these cars now before the gasoline runs out. People have also thought of flying cars but that might not happen for another couple decades.

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