Friday, June 4, 2010

By : Matt Rion Dunaway
            In the world there are many athelets. But most are just not single sport players. For instance some Westview freshman football players play two sports on top of school and home work. Most of the multitaskers go to school then work out at football then after that they hurry to get to the gym to play basketball then go home and finish all of their homework. Some coaches find this to be a good idea, but other coaches think that it is getting in the way of their sport that they are coaching because the schedules sometimes get in the way of eachother. Also some coaches look beyond sports and say that we don’t have enough time to do their homework from their school. This reason can be the most enphazised and important. Infact so important that if we don’t have good grades you don’t get to play either one of your sports until your grade gets back up to a passing grade. “If kids aren’t getting above a C in all their classes they won’t practice or play in games” says one of the football coaches. “These kids are students first athletes second” says another one of the football coaches. Also these kids require a lot of energy to do all these things every day. So most have to take a shower and get started right on their homework leaving almost no time for them and right after their homework they have to get in bed so they can aquire that tremendous amount of energy. So as you can tell these are extremly dedicated athletes and students. The amazing thing is that most of them are doing good in school and in their two sports they are playing. This Westview program is doing a great job teaching their atheletes that school is just as important as sports.

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