Friday, April 30, 2010

Is Wal Mart becoming to powerful?

Anthony J
Keegan N 

Well first off wal mart is ruining say small buisness’s within small communitys. The walton family skimps on employee benfits & the money the employees make go’s back into the store whether they want it to or not. Wal mart is taking over most of modern america & putting people who have had a store for over say 25 to 35 years. All of wal mart products come from china & are basically hiring idiots to do jobs that they have no idea about like they would put someone who knows about plumbing in the computer section or something stupid like that or someone in the plumbing section who knows nothing about plumbing. THEY ARE MONOPOLIZING AMERICA. All they are doing is giving china better distribution in my opinion. What we should do is protest and possibly testify against wal mart for the thousands of people  out on the streets who have been evicted from their omes because they can’t pay their bills because of wal mart. All the money in the wal marts employees checks don’t go to them and their familys it go’s right back into wal mart. Here is a statement  from a movie I recently watched titled: Wal-Mart The high cost of low prices. WAL-MART DRIVES DOWN RETAIL WAGES $3 BILLION EVERY YEAR. I mean they might make it look all jolly and happy good on their commercials well I say lies. They don’t care what their employees sacrifice for them  whether their family is sick or if one of them died. Most wal-mart employees make about I’m gonna say probaly $6 to 7 an hour they can’t afford a doctor. Wal-marts medical is unbelieveable people have to go try & get some kind of medical. Wal-mart trys making the government  try and give their employees welfare even though the employees are wal-marts and not the governments. When wal-mart should be paying for health benefits. Here is another statement from High cost of low prices: ALABAMA: 3,864 CHILDREN OF WAL-MART EMPLOYEES ARE PUT ON MEDICAL. Note not by wal-mart they aren’t. Wal-mart cost’s the average tax payer $1,557,000,000,000 to “support” their employees. People who have worked for wal-mart for years usually only get a dollar or two raise. They are really apossed to having a union or just the union in general. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone was shot after saying “We need a union” or something like that. Have you seen how many cameras they have? My cousin went into a wal-mart a few years ago he said he was followed being asked the same question over and over “Hi can I help you?” Yet another fact from High cost of low prices.
$7,000  Anti-union camera package per store.
$30,000  Under cover spy van per store.
$1000,000  24 hour anti-union hotline.
$7,000,000 Rapid response team with corporate jet.

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