Friday, May 7, 2010

Cell Phones At Stoller

Should There Be Times Where Students Are Allowed To Use Cell Phones?

            The cell phone policy at Stoller is strict, Off and Away at all times. Some teachers and other staff members will even take it away if they can see it in your pocket, even if you not using it. It is understandable that we aren’t allowed to use them during class where they can be a distraction from learning, but what about during lunch? Or during passing time? During these times they aren't distracting anyone from learning so what's the big deal if students use them? "I think it's stupid!" said Malia C. "We should be able to have them during passing time at least. I understand not during class but passing time doesn’t matter." Some students think that we should be able to use cell phones at all times as long as they aren’t distracting anyone. Which might be hard to control because the teachers wont know if they're texting someone in a different class and distracting them.

            If students are allowed to use cell phones freely it could cause a huge problem with kids stopping paying attention and being a distraction. However if the policy isn’t so strict but there are still restrictions people wouldn’t make such a big deal out of it. At lunch everyone is just hanging out so what should it matter if they have their phones out, taking pictures or texting. Its not going to hurt anybody if you allow students to use their personal electronics every once in a while. Overall if you let students use phones during passing time and lunch they most likely wont make such a fuss about not being able to use them. It might even stop some students, not all but some, from texting during their classes. It could help to allow students to use their phones. 

Molly H.

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