Monday, May 24, 2010

Cheatball, the New Way to Play

There’s so much cheating that people aren’t playing it anymore

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Foam Football usually used in CTFB
"Squeak" "Squeak" Thump! "Hey, you're out" No I'm not. "Yeah, you are, I tagged you before you got into the hoop!" Nope. "Wow…" Hear that? That's the sound of Capture the Football or, CTFB. This is a game that is played in P.E. once or twice a week in Stoller which currently involves heavy cheating. People are known to dive into the hoops where they are "safe" but they usually are tagged before they even get into the hoop. Almost every time, someone denies cheating. The game of capture the football is a simple game; it's just capture the flag. What you need to do is cross this line which marks which "territory" or team you're on. People then try to take the other teams flag or in this case, a football. Here, you have to maneuver around people, so you don’t get tagged, once you get tagged, you have to the sit down and wait for a teammate to tag them, therefore freeing them. Then the teammate and the person that was saved have to walk together or run together back to their “territory” so then they are safe. In the base, there are designated places where you are “safe”; there is also a safe place which is where the football is. Here is where the cheating starts to happen. As you know, you have to have at least one body part in the “safe” places before someone on the other team tags you, but people usually ignore the fact that they were just tagged therefore meaning that they just cheated. Brennan claimed that “The cheating happens too often, I don’t want to play it anymore.” “The fact that people are cheating so often is making the game just, not fun.” Johnny claimed. The game used to be a very exciting and enticing game, but the cheating makes it dull, the cheating makes people very frustrated that others are just going in, getting tagged multiple times, then leaving with the ball and scoring for the other team. Before people used to cheat once in a while, but now it happens too often.
Cheating happens very often and can frustrate people easily, it occurs in many sports through many ways, people cheat in athletics through steroids, a drug that enhances a body’s work out performance, the steroids have a very bad side effect and it could seriously hurt you. Cheating also occurs in several other sports, it can cause very negative effects and could also get the person who is cheating hurt at the same time. There are many ways to cheat in a game of CTFB, one way, is a way that people can’t really debate about, and that’s the “I didn’t feel it” cheat, where when one person tagged another, the person would claim that they didn’t feel it, or that they didn’t even touch them, this causes a huge argument between the two and their own little war, this little war involves tagging that one person, and only that one person starting a little grudge which could advance from a short-term grudge to a long-term grudge which could last for months, even years. Another way people cheat is how a person would dive for a “safe” spot and wouldn’t make it, yet causing another argument.
Cheating happens very often in Capture the Football; the game should be a very fun game but is usually ruined by the constant cheating of many different people. The game of Capture the Football has decreased in popularity, if the cheating drops, then the popularity would rise.

Kevin H.
Picture from

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