Thursday, May 20, 2010

Converse or Vans?

Middle Schoolers are wearing vans and converse, which one is more popular?

When you’re walking down the halls in school, you see a lot of people weaing converse and vans. All of them are different styles and sizes. You might be thinking to yourself, which one is more popular? I took a servey to see what people liked more. For the eighth graders, it was the same, but the majority liked both. The seventh graders were even too, but the sixth graders mostly liked converse. A eighth grade student from green hall said, “ I think that vans look better than converse because they don’t make your feet look big.” A seventh grade boy, Bryan said, “ Vans are more comfortable.” And, another seventh grade student, Kelley said, “ I like vans because they don’t make your feet look big.”

But, a lot of people like converse too. Ali, an eighth grade student in Orange hall said, “ I like converse because I like the style better.” An anonomouse sixth grader said, “ Converse is a bigger company.” Another anonomouse sixth grade girl said, “ There are different kinds of converse.” If you go on the converse and vans website you can see all the different kinds of converse and vans.

People wear these brand name shoes all the time, as you see when you are just walking down the street! It seems as though from the survey, vans and converse are both pretty popular. It's really based on opinion. If you like both, then you wear both. Vans and converse all have different styles and colors of their shoes. If you like a more narrow look, converse would be good for you. If you like a more short and stump look, vans would be good for you.

By: Larissa E.

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