Friday, May 14, 2010

Eighth Grade Trip

Are the students at Stoller still upset about not getting to go to Oaks Park?  
    In years past all the eighth grade students at Stoller have gotten to go to Oaks Park on the last day of school.  Although this year the eighth graders do not get that privilege.  The school has decided to cancel the trip to Oaks Park.  Rumors first started surfacing back in September when the Beaverton School District Board members decided to make a new rule about end of the school year celebrations.  The new rule says that there can be no off campus celebrating for the end of the school year.  The reason I said rumors and not facts is because the teachers did not share this information with us right away.  Even though the teachers did not tell us about this new rule students still found out.  Some parents on the school board have kids that go to Stoller.  Then those students took the information from their parents and told their friends at school, which started the rumors.  When these rumors started surfacing not a lot of kids believed it.  One eighth grader I interviewed (who chose to remain anonymous) said "I didn't believe it (the rumor that we would not going to Oaks park this year) at first because it's like a tradition at Stoller for the eighth graders to go there on the last day of school."
    When the students started questioning the rumor that we would not get to Oaks Park they asked their teachers.  The teachers then confirmed that we didn't get to go this year.  From what I saw most of the eighth grade students were very disappointed that we could not go.    
    One of the main topics in school these days is budget cuts.  Teachers are always complaining about how little money we have.  That is why I found it very interesting that we are spending a huge amount of money on our end of the year party.  I found this out by talking to some friends that are on the planning committee for the party.  One student (she chose to remain anonymous) said "We have a huge budget to work with so it's going to be really fun.  Everyone is going to get a t-shirt from the high school that they are attending and there is going to a ton of games and food. Oh and it is carnival themed." When I asked her just on much is a huge budget she responded "The teachers won't tell us exactly how much they are allowing for the party but I know that it is a lot.
         I surveyed 10 eighth grade students that go to Stoller and asked them what their feeling's were on the Oaks Park being cancelled and us having a different party now.  Three students said they were still mad about not being able to go to Oaks Parks.  Five students said they thought the party here would still be fun even though we can't go to Oaks Park.  And two said that they didn't care.  So from what I heard the party should be fun and the eighth graders are still very excited for the last day of school, even though they can't go to Oaks Park anymore. 


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