Friday, May 7, 2010

Fear Not the Bully Police is Here!!

Ian K. a member of the Bully Police.

             Have you ever been bullied? Well don't worry the there is a new program called the Bully Police who will help you! Or that's what they want us to think. On May 7th 2010 there is an assembly for sixth and seventh graders about bullying. Of course hosted by the bully police. It seems that the message the bully police is saying is that sixth and seventh graders are more vulnerable to bullying than eighth graders. But that's not the truth. "I don't see any bullying anyways so I guess not" quoted from seventh grader Tom W answering the question about the use of the Bully Police. The Bully Police doesn't seem to be helping anyone. Almost every Friday they get pizza. Now where is that money coming from? A lot of eight graders are disappointed about losing the Oaks Park field trip. But we could of used the money that the Bully Police raises to get field trips back. Our interview team found out that all the sixth and seventh graders we interviewed did not see or experience much bullying. While the eight graders, reported more bullying seen than the sixth and seventh graders. So why is the sixth and seventh graders being taught about bullying. In my opinion we should have older people to help eight graders about bullying. Maybe students in high school. Because there is a high chance that eight graders will probably not have much respect for their fellow peers. As we learned in Media Literacy, kids ages 13-18 is more exposed to cyber bullying and bullying. And eight graders are ages 13-14. So with the addition of help for eight graders, there should be the topic of cyber bullying. The average teen spends 9 hours a week on media. Which probably contains a lot of talking to other people, maybe even bullies.  But with all the danger out here what is the Bully Police doing? Sixth and seventh graders don’t even seem to know about the Bully Police or a lot about bullying. We should find different ways about stopping bullying at our school.
By: Joshua L.

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