Friday, May 7, 2010

Study Time, or Buddy Time?

Study hall and proficiency day are made for students to be able to work on work they have yet to finish. Some people use this time wisely and others do not work effectively during this time. When asking kids and teacher what they thought of the well use of the time the majority of them said that it wasn’t used appropriately. Although the majority was no, runner up and close was yes.  If student themselves are aware of the time they have to be using and they choose to use it wrong, what is the cause?
As students we decided to get to the bottom of this. We interviewed a teacher whom said that she lets her kids work on what they need to and trusts that they will work. This teacher, whom will stay anonymous, is aware that her students do not use time wisely. As she said, and we quote, " Yes I'm aware of the goofing' off that students do, but it's their time and if they choose to not use it to work then It's their loss.  
Unlike this teacher we also interviewed a different teacher, whom will also stay anonymous, and she had a completely different prospective on this topic, " I try to make the students work, it’s a time they are giving and they should use it. I think that if the students are not working effectively then it is my job as their teacher to make them work during the time they are given.  
 Teachers make time for the students to have time to work and put that into their schedule, so why wouldn’t we use it? Now that you have seen what the teachers and students of stoller middle school think, it's really up to you. Do you think you, as a student,  use time wisely?  
By: Ali H and Jamie S


  1. Great article Ali!!!!!!!!!:)

    ~loveeee Jamie!

  2. Thanks Jamie! <3
    And guess what !?
    i loved your article jamie!!
    - lots of love (:
    Ali (;
