Monday, May 10, 2010

Foot long, Big Mac, or Chalupa!

Foot long, Big Mac, or Chalupa!
Fast food paradise, which one do you prefer?

      Many people have once thought that all fast food was the same. Well we have the opinions of the student body of Stoller Middle School. My partner and I investigated about three legendary fast food choices, A Foot Long, The Big Mac, and The Chalupa! On this investigative assignment, we set out to gather the facts and results about these fast food choices. These three staples of the fast food diet were selected based on popularity among students.  If you eat at Subway, McDonalds, or Taco Bell, then this is the article for YOU! And if you don’t eat there, still read this article because it gets really interesting around the third and a quarter paragraph.
When my partner and I surveyed 60 kids and adults at Stoller Middle School about the three legendary fast food choices, A Foot Long, The Big Mac, and The Chalupa, the voting was somewhat close. In first place, A Foot Long received 36 votes out of 60 people. The percentage was 60. This is outrageous! In second place, the chalupa came in with 14 votes out of 60 people. The percentage was 23%, this was a disgrace =[. And in last place, The Big Mac received 10 votes out of 60 people. The percentage was 6%, what a failure. As you can see the voting was actually pretty close, NOT! GO FOOT LONG, what a beast!!
Now it gets interesting. The reasons people don’t get the other items mentioned above is primarily based on the individual’s experience. One person said that they got food poisoning at Taco Bell. Not from the chalupa though. From our research, our department speculates that this was due to the lettuce and undercooked meat.  Another student said that if we go to Japan and order a Big Mac, then it would be his first choice, but since we are not in Japan and we are in America, the tasty Big Mac is not available here. Why does Japan have the food McDonalds? It’s an American restaurant! A lot of people said that their choice was based off of personal taste preference, and calories. Our good friend Peter, who wrote the first article, with my other friend who is writing this article, Asish, got the nutritional factoids on the food.
A normal Beef Chalupa from Taco Bell will have 410 calories, 720 mgs of sodium, and 31 mgs of carbs per serving. Well, it’s not that bad. A Big Mac from McDonalds will give you 590 calories, 1070 mgs of sodium, and 47 grams of carbs. NOW that’s bad for you. And for our winner Subway, a regular Turkey breast Foot Long will have 560 calories (what?), 1010 mgs of sodium, and 82 grams of carbs. Wow, and we thought subway was healthy. Although, we must take into consideration how much more food you get out of a Foot Long than a Chalupa and Big Mac. Man it’s almost like twice the size! So in the end, Subway is still the healthiest considering how much you can get.
In conclusion, the majority of Stoller students are healthy eaters. GOOD JOB PEOPLE! We’re proud of you. We love you. Thank you again for reading our article from the Food Department. We also hope that you will subscribe to us. A special thanks to Mrs. Rarrick for helping with this article.

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