Monday, May 3, 2010

The iphone vs. HTC

The HTC is a phone that has your needs built right into it. With its crystal clear 4.3 inch HD screen it is perfect for movies and games. This is the first phone windows has created with htc sense technology. You can customize your home screen by putting mail internet and movies right on the home page And if you need to have some fun games on there to just download apps right on to the phone. The phone can identify your location were ever you are. The clock changes as your location changes. Also the home page shows the weather. If it’s cloudy outside it shows clouds. If it is sunny then it shows rays of sunlight on the home page. It also has a calendar and shows the appointments on the home page also.

We interviewed a HTC HD2 user and asked him some questions. The first question was “what do you like best about this phone" and he replied “the videos are cool. Taking pictures is good because they have good quality. We also asked if there was anything he hated about it, “the size is kind of annoying,” he said. Then we asked "is he size convenient?" he said "the size is only good for movies, otherwise it’s pretty big for a phone." The last question we asked was "what are some of the good features?" He replied "swipe when texting, comes with two movies, good size, and good apps."

All of the useful applications like phone, email, facebook, texting, and phone logs are on one page. A cool feature for this phone is when you pick up the phone when it’s ringing the phone senses you and gets quieter. Just like the iphone you can zoom in and out of documents with a little pinch. The phone also has a very large onscreen keyboard so it makes texting and writing emails a lot easier.  With this phone you never have to find a wifi spot like you do with your lap top. It has 3.5G everywhere so you always have connection. This phone has an amazing camera with 5.0 megapixels and has auto focus so its takes the perfect pictures. It also has LED flash so you can capture things in the dark and dim places.

Overall this phone is great. It has many features and great apps. Even though the cost is about 500$ it is one of the best smart phones out there. I do hope to see this smart phone in other carries besides t-mobile because I would want to get it. I think my favorite app would have to be the weather or how your clock changes and it has the technology to pin point your exact location.

The iphone is considered by many people to be one of the best phones out there. People like this phone a lot because of all the great things you can do on it like search the web, GPS and other exciting apps. You can get an app for pretty much anything like a cooking app that has lots of recipes it also has a news app to keep you updated on all the things going on you can even get an app to unlock or lock your car door or turn off the lights in your house.

Here are some REAL facts about the iphone. The most imported feature is its screen, a 3.5 inch, 320 by 480 pixel touch screen display.

We interviewed a student who happens to own an iphone. We asked him four simple questions: what do you like best about the iphone? Is there anything you hate? Is the size convenient? And finally what do you prefer the iphone or the htc? So the first question what do you like best “It has games where ever you go and it’s also an iphone”. The second one what do you hate about it “Nothing, it’s a beast phone”. The third one what is the size convenient for you “Yes, it’s the perfect size”. The fourth one what do you like better the htc or the iphone better? “iphone,” was the response of the iphone user that we interviewed. So over all he likes the iphone better out of the choices of iphone and the htc.

From my experience with these two phones and I’m sure many others experience as well is that the iphone is defiantly the better known of these two phones.  The htc seems to be a more up and coming Smartphone and the iphone we have known for a while know.  There are a lot of similarities between these phones but many differences as well.  I am going to start with an overview of the differences between these two revolutionary phones.
However similar the iphone and the htc may seem, they still have some major differences.  One of these is size. Most people will refer to the htc as a “brick” while the iphone does not exceed the normal size for a regular cell phone. The front part of the htc is all screen except for a very small part on the bottom where the red and green call/except and hang-up/reject buttons are, as well as a series of buttons that take you to the home screen, go on the internet, and a back button. This screen is 4.3 inches long making it, as said by our interviewee, good for videos but still an annoying size.  The iphone has a much smaller screen that is only 3.5 inches.  This doesn’t really impact your ability to enjoy videos being that three and a half inches is still pretty big for a screen.  This also makes the size more convenient.  Another difference is that the htc seems to use more cutting edge technology and also have just small concepts that make it more enjoyable to use like the ringing softer once it senses you’ve picked it up and the sun and clouds on the home screen.  The iphone is coming out with new and improved models but most of the technology we are used to.  The iphone does have one thing that the htc doesn’t and that is the ability to store music.   Many people consider the iphone to be and ipod touch that calls.  The htc has radio capabilities but as said for many other things “there’s and iphone app for that.”  Another difference is the carrier. The htc is carried by t-mobile and the iphone is carried by at&t.
These phones have many similarities though.  These being that they are both touch screen.  They both have 3G internet capabilities.  You can also download apps, watch videos, and text on both.
Overall these phones are pretty evenly matched.  They have many similarities, but also many differences.  You all will have to decide which one is better for yourselves.

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