Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mickey Mouse or Sleeping Beauty?

The Disney Favorites of Students in Stoller

Remember when you would watch Disney movies and every Halloween you would want to dress up like the main character from that movie? Well some students were happy enough to answer a few questions about their favorite Disney movie.

What is your favorite animated Disney movie? "Mulan" Hannah J. an eighth grader in green hall said. Parker answered "Toy Story".
What is your favorite unanimated Disney Movie? "Freaky Friday, I don't know" - Hannah.
Who is your favorite Disney character? "Buzz Lightyear" - Parker.  "Stitch" - Hannah.
Why? "He can fly." - Parker. "He's a freakin' alien. End of Story." -Hannah.
Is there any reason why you like that movie? "Its funny and Mulan is brave." -Hannah "No"-Parker
If you could be in any Disney movie which one would it be? (Not your favorite) "Aladdin" they both said.
Do you remember the first Disney movie you saw? "Yes." -Parker. "No"- Hannah.
I asked them if their favorite movie wasn't from Disney/Pixar what was their favorite Pixar movie was. The only thing was that they didn't have a favorite Pixar movie besides Parker liking Toy Story.

The Disney favorites of students are all different. some like fairy tales, some like action. My favorite is Hercules because i love Greek mythology and i like the songs. if i could be in any movie it would be sleeping beauty . my favorite character is Gus-Gus from Cinderella because he is just so funny and he just likes eating a lot that he doesn't notices trouble when he sees it.

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