Friday, May 21, 2010

What Happened to My FOOD!?!?!?

School Food and the Kids’ complaints

School food has been being provided to the students for quite a long time. The food may not be the best, but it works. Though more and more often these days, the students have been speaking out against its quality and want better food. “I hate school food. It tastes like plastic,” an anonymous Red haller told me. We asked several questions:1. What is your opinion on the food? 2. What’s Good about it? What’s bad? And 3. What would you change? A person from Blue 8 who wished to remain anonymous said “It’s repetitive, soggy, and not freshly cooked.” Another, Mikayla E. from Red Hall said,”It is grease in the shape of food.” Another anonymous person said,”I think it tastes very bad. The pizza sticks to the plates. It tastes like garbage.” People also talked about the bad things about the food. “The gravy, the pizza, the grease, all of it is bad.” “The food comes out of frozen packages and micrwaved. That’s what I hate.” The students all disliked the majority of the food, though some is considered “OK.”  The students all have their respective opinion, and it is difficult to obtain several, though most people I questioned said they “ate cold lunch.” The final question varied a lot. One said,”Make the food edible and appetizing.” Another said,”Make it fresh, water should be a free option again, and different choices, also more healthy.” The last person I interviewed said,”I would change the ingredients used in the food to healthier and fresher ones.”
         The changes in the food might cost a little, but it could be better for the school, as it may lead some to some kids eating school food instead of cold lunch. This would benefit the school, although it may take a little while to turn to profit. A food “change for the better” might be just what is needed.

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