Friday, June 4, 2010

Popular Sports at Stoller

How Stoller stays active
There is a wide variety of sports for people of different interests and abilities. There are competitive leagues for more intense athletes and there are recreational leagues which are geared more towards having fun and improving. Students at Stoller stay fit by playing all kinds of sports. Some students even do multiple. There is basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer, baseball, lacrosse and much more that Stoller students are interested in. The most popular at Stoller are soccer, basketball and football. Baseball, lacrosse and softball are other common sports that people like to play.

Cassidy B. is die hard soccer “that’s all I live and breathe” she said, “I love it.” There are lots of competitive soccer players at Stoller, girls and boys. Some common clubs they play for are United (THUSC), F.C. Portland, and Westside Metros. They are all great clubs and can help you improve your skills.
Some students play multiple sports, or used to and now are finding the one they like best. “Basketball, soccer and baseball” are what David W. said he plays. Austin S. just plays basketball now but he said “I used to play football and soccer.” Connor L., a Stoller sixth grader said “I play Football and basketball.” As you can see many of these people play at least one of the three most common sports at Stoller.

Most people play sports because they enjoy them. They start out because it looks like fun and they’re little and their parents need them to get their energy out. Then they start to get better and really enjoy playing. However sometimes by high school they’re tired of it and just want to be done. So then they quit and start a new sport or are just done with sports entirely. Carlie M. said “I used to like it but now the parentals make me.”

Molly H.

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