Friday, June 4, 2010

Taking A Big Step To Become A Freshman

Are Stoller Eighth Graders Mature for Their Age?

Are eighth graders ready to become freshmen’s? Looking at the students in eighth grade, is maturity the issue or actually are they afraid for taking a big step to high school? As we can see, usually high school students are mature and not childish. But, as they say that teens mature at different ages, when would that come along? I ask different verities of students, “Do you think that Stoller eighthers are mature?” With no hesitation they began to say,”Most of them, some, and some are but most of them aren’t but we all learn to adapt through other peoples maturity, and yeah they aren’t.” I studied on those answers, and tried to figure out how eighth graders would be more mature. While that happened, I interviewed students on how they think about becoming freshmen’s, next year. One of the simple questions I asked was, “How do you feel about going to high school next year?” With a little “uhm” in their answers they said,” Happy, sad, pretty good, kind of not really nervous, and basically scared. 

Along with that question I asked, “How do you feel about walking the halls with students that’s much taller/older than you?” They answered,”Scared, because they tower over me, and the same because they are still people, and it’s not much a difference.” Another question I asked was, “How do you feel about sitting at lunch in high school?” They answered differently which they said, “Nervous, because what if I don’t know anyone. I’m scared that I might not know anyone and I don’t want to sit alone, and Awkward because I wouldn’t know much people.” Lastly and most importantly, I asked them “Would you be scared about having friends in high school, next year?” They replied saying, “Yes if I was alone, but I probably would not be. Yes I don’t want to be alone, and no. So, it looks like Stoller students are somewhat ready to become freshmen’s in high school, which doesn’t matter if they are going to Sunset or Westview.

Written By: Sierra Ung

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