Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Exotic Foods Of Summer!
Tropical, Cold, or Desert Food, You Pick!

         Now aren’t we all in the summer vacation mood? Just take a look outside. All that beautiful sunshine. We decided to write an article about places students are going for their summer vacation. We also asked what kinds of foods they wanted to eat when they got there.
            Aloha! Lets start with Hawaii. It seems like it’s the top vocational spot for Stoller this year. Because of its warm tropical weather, beautiful white sandy beaches, waterfront hotels, it’s the ideal image that would be in your head when you think of summer. Out of all the people we interviewed, a total of four people were going to Hawaii. One person wanted to eat Hawaiian food, which I guess is just fruit and seafood? Another student says that they were looking forward to drinking pina colatas. VIRGIN pina colatas. Pina colatas are an alcoholic drink. The virgin form of the drink is when they remove the alcohol from the drink, so it is basically a pineapple blended drink. It is often served with a pineapple slice and a candy cherry on top.
            Another student said they were going to Egypt. They are looking forward to eating sand, and Bach lava. Which is a desert type dish. I've never heard of it so I don’t know what it's made of or where it comes from. Two people are going to Fiji! Which means they are going to eat Coconuts. Which means they are going to drink coconut milk!
         Many people we interviewed said they were going to the beach. The beach is a place where many people go with they’re families. It seems like people always have places they go to eat when they go to the beach. They didn’t mention what places they eat. But I would assume its places that you can’t find downtown. A lot of people would be eating fish.
         Overall, some people were going to exotic places, like Egypt, and Fiji. Some people were going to boring places that aren't very exciting, like the beach. But the foods they are eating there are very exotic and summer like. Because it never it never rains in summer! Unless you live in Oregon. Then it rains a lot… Thank you for reading. 

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