Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ice cream or Popsicles,
Which delicious cold treat would you eat on a summer day?
Which one cools you down?

The Food Department had given me the chance to go on a top-secret investigation about something that has to do with food and summer, and I took the job! Sounds interesting huh? So, I have chosen the two most popular delicious cold treats that are the constantly eaten by kids, parents, grandparents and anyone else in the summer most likely world wide, ICE- CREAM AND POPSICLES!!! I have gone around Stoller Middle School and surveyed kids and adults about these two choices and the results were really close. I know there were no grandparents here at the time when I was surveying these two amazing choices, so on the behave of the Food Department, all my subscribers, me the writer of this article (Asish Kumar), and any grandparents reading this article, I AM TROOLY SORRY. The results will be reveled somewhere around the begging of the second paragraph or the middle, but no later then the third paragraph, so you don’t want to miss it! After here on out through this detailed and top-secret article from me, I highly suggest for anyone who is reading this article that is standing up to sit down immediately because you’re in for a ride!

When I had first started surveying some of the kids and adults, the voting was very surpassingly funny. Each time when I surveyed someone they would say popsicles and then the next person would have said ice cream, so pretty much it was like a lead for one of the choices, until I had got to another person. This didn’t surprise me at all because popsicles and ice-cream both have their ups and down’s when it comes to summer in my perspective because ice-cream taste’s better than popsicles to me, but popsicles don’t make me thirsty like ice-cream does, but what good do my opinions do huh? It was all up to Stoller’s staff and students! This back and forth voting didn’t continue for long, once I had got to the 26th person. Oh by the way I surveyed 70 people. At the 26 person, he/she had voted for ice-cream and it had continued like this for a long time until I had reached the 66 person and from their on out, he/she all voted for popsicles. From the total of these votes, the winner clearly was ICE CREAM, what a beast! Leaving popsicles as the loser, I know what a shame :’( According to my results; ice cream had received 41 votes leaving 29 votes for popsicles equaling 70 total votes. WOW, what a close race between these two amazing summer treat choices huh?..... Not!! Go ICE CREAM, YOU ROCK! In the next paragraph, you will be informed of why one was chosen over the other.

Now for the reasons of why people didn’t vote for the one, which they didn’t pick. Most of the reasons were just because of personal taste reference and that either the other has no taste ever or there wasnot enough variety to choice from then the other summer treat that was an option. About 80% of the people I surveyed had said this. One person had said that since I am lactose and tolerant ice cream defiantly not an option, so he/she had voted for popsicles. I had felt sorry for this person because he/she had never eaten something that is very commonly eaten by us Americans and most likely by everyone else in this world. If you are wondering why I am using he/she is because of each individuals request of keeping their name private or just doesn’t whish to share there name at all. As you can see, these were all of the reasons why people didn’t vote for the one which they didn’t pick because most everyone did not wish to share or they just didn’t know and they just said because “I like it”, which is personal taste reference.
In conclusion, I would like to say that this investigation was quite the ride for me because I thought of going for a different topic but I am now glad that I had picked this topic because I got to get some cool facts about the most popular summer treat which Stoller staff and students most prefer to eat during the summer, ice-cream. I hope that whoever has read this article had a great time and I hope you will subscribe to the Food Department. You can check out more cool articles about different topics that were written by the three members of the food Department including me, Kyle and Peter at Hope you enjoyed. Bye!

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