Thursday, June 3, 2010

Do sixth and eighth graders have Bieber Fever?

Sixth and eighth graders express how they feel about Justin Bieber.

If you ask most eighth graders in Stoller Middle School if they like Justin Bieber, eight out of ten will say no. And, if you ask most of the sixth graders in Stoller Middle School, six out of ten of them will say no. According to the students, most people don’t like him because ‘he sings like a girl’ or they ‘don’t like his voice’. An eighth grade student from red hall, Jaycee says, “He sings like a girl.” And a girl from blue hall, Cori said, “He sounds like a girl and his song ‘Baby’ sounds like a broken record.” Some people also think he has a bad voice. A sixth grade student, William says, “ I just don’t like his voice.” And another sixth grade student, Madison from green hall stated, “ I don’t like his singing.” Many others feel this way too. But some people do like Justin Bieber.

Four out of ten sixth graders like Justin Bieber. An aonomouse sixth grade girl said, “I think he’s cute.” Two out of ten eighth graders like Justin Bieber. And an eighth grade student from blue hall, Jaime said, “He’s a cute kid.” Many people think he’s cute and some think he’s talented like Christy from red hall says. “He’s talented and I like his songs and he’s cute.” Also, some people are neutral about him. An anonomys sixth grader said, “ He’s ok.” And an anonomys eighth grader said, “He’s not that bad.” Everyone has different opinions about Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber is on the news daily in magazines, tv and maybe even news papers. But. it seems as though Stoller Middle School doesn’t have as much bieber fever as we might have thought.

By: Larissa E.

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