Friday, June 4, 2010

Summer Time, Fun Time!

Lewis C. a sixth grader in blue hall.

What are Stoller kids doing this summer?

It is nearing the end of the summer. Kids are day dreaming, dreading about their finals that are coming up, and thinking about their summer plans. Of course there are also the NBA finals and the question is Lakers or Boston? Some kids are going to watch the FIFA World Cup 2010 that occurs in Africa. But in summer what to do? Some kids (like me) are going to lie down on the couch and watch T.V. The dream of sleeping in late will finally come true. Other kids will be busy with sports and tournaments. Hanging out with friends is another option kids would love to do. And pity the kids who have to take tutor or have summer school.

School ends on June 17th for students. The people who are watching the NBA Finals and FIFA World Cup 2010 will be in for a surprise. For the NBA Finals, it is the long time rivals Celtics and Lakers. Kobe Bryant vs. Paul Pierce or Pau Gasol vs. Kevin Garnet. For the World Cup it is any teams chance to win the cup. Right now Spain is hot coming off the win from the UEFA European Football Championship. Both events happen in the summer, and we will see who will come out on top.

People have been groaning and moaning when they are forced to go to school on Monday. The annoying sound of the alarm clock going off will make anyways day start off wrong. In the summer everyday seems like a weekend, no more alarm clocks, no more Mondays, and no more school! New movies are coming out too, like: The A Team, Karate Kid, And Toy Story 3. Students can hang out with friends without the nagging feeling of procrastinating. No more projects or long annoying finals.
Summer is not like winter, or spring; its sunshine all day. Perfect weather with the sun out no clouds but always HOT! Without rain and wind people like to go and play sports, there is basketball, football, soccer, swimming, lacrosse, baseball, and etc. Tournaments will be out and kids will be more active and having fun outside.

As we know this is Stollers 10th "birthday". People want to remember this year because it is so special. Some eight graders got no field trips (which is quite sad), but there is a graduation party at the end of the year. An important transition is going from eight grade to freshmen in high school. There is gonna be a lot more home work than middle school and grades are important. So that is why some people are going to go and take a tutor during the summer or have summer school. It may be a pain but they are getting ahead. Some other people are going to a learning camp or a camp for fun. Legos robotics, math, reading, or writing camps almost like summer school. Also people are going to camps to have fun, despite their parents tears.

We interviewed some kids who gave us an idea about what they are doing for their summer. One sixth grader Lewis C. says he is going on vacation, going to Spain. He is also going to plan in soccer tournaments also during the summer. We asked if he could do anything during the summer, he would go on vacation with his family, what a sweet boy. We also interviewed Nathan P. and he said if he could go anywhere he would go to Hawaii or Mexico; anywhere to enjoy the summer sun. He said he would hang out with people even though he is planing to have fun. We hope you will have fun too during the summer time.
By Joshua Yi and Jackson Wahl

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