Saturday, May 22, 2010

Unfair game, Unfair day

Dodge ball teams are unfair because of big groups of people get on one side of the court.

During P.E. we play dodge ball and the teachers pick the team depending on which side the teens want. Team are usually made when teens group with friends. This makes the game unfair because some people are bad at dodge ball and are made fun of and go to the other team. Most of the popular people choose a team that is made up of all jocks. Players on the popular side don’t go out when they are hit with a ball. They just ignore it and keep playing like nothing happened. I interviewed Kevin who says “Its unfair because whenever the popular teens or skaters get hit they say they never felt it and don’t let the nerds in their team”. Most of the people that are bad at dodge ball are made fun of when they miss, get hit, or when the game is over and they lose. Dodge ball is a game that takes skill to throw a ball. You start out at different sides and when the ref or teacher whistles, you run for the balls in the middle of the court. Once you get a ball you try to hit a player on the other team to get the out. Try to dodge the balls thrown at you, and keep throwing balls at them. If you get out then you have to go to the jail, which is on the other side of the court which is the other teams side. If you grab a ball that was thrown to you or was dodged by the opposite team then you can grab it and use it against the other team by throwing it at the other team and then you can go back to your original side that you were on.


Brennan L.
Picture From: 

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